Robin Chapple
I am using Publisher 2002 SP3
I have a custom label made in Publisher 98 which does not print
I have A4 as default paper size.
Page information is:
3 across 10 down
Side 0.47cm
Top 0.8cm
Horizontal 0.31
\Vertical 0.0cm
Page size 6.67 x 2.54
I need this to be 7.0 x 2.5 but it is grayed out.
How can I change that?
Robin Chapple
I have a custom label made in Publisher 98 which does not print
I have A4 as default paper size.
Page information is:
3 across 10 down
Side 0.47cm
Top 0.8cm
Horizontal 0.31
\Vertical 0.0cm
Page size 6.67 x 2.54
I need this to be 7.0 x 2.5 but it is grayed out.
How can I change that?
Robin Chapple