customer date time save file


Robert Loxley

How do I...

Create a macro to perform (on saving an order form by pressing a button) to
automatically perform the following function

1 - save a file name as (customer_date_time.xls) to path c:\archive\product A

* customer name is variable selected from a simple drop down list on order
* date and time is real time

time is required as 1 customer may be supplied with different products on
the same day. conflict will arise on saving file as 1 cannot have 2 file
names the same.

orders are only saved once customer has recieved product.

order form for Product A has 3 forms set out vertically on 1 spreadsheet

I require a save button alongside each form as I dont want to necessarily
save the entire page covering all the orders just enough cells to cover the
actual order form in question.

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