Customised printing

  • Thread starter tkraju via
  • Start date

tkraju via

I have a w/sheet (SalaryMaster) ,each row contains salary details of
employees,with 20 fields(column headers).I have designed a salary slip as a
template in other sheet,with all the above 20 fields.How to print salary
slips of each employee from that w/sheet, 2nd row to end row ,in the way I
have designed salary slip.
my pay slip design is a bit like this:
B2:D2(merged)=Company's Name say ABC corporation,E2:F2=Address Of company
Both are headers to repeat in every page
B3:D3=Salary Details of E3=SalaryMaster!C2(Month and year field)
B4=Employee Id,C4:D4=Employee Name,E4=Designation
E5=salaryMaster!E2(withoutPay Days)
Thanks in anticipating proper solution

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