Customising Bullet & Numbering Icons in format tool bar


Nikki McG

Hi - this is the weirdest thing - I can customise the icon for bullets in the
formatting toolbar - but the numbering icon always defaults back to basics.

Have updated the for the bullets with a customised colour and
don't understand why the same process doesn't work for numbering ?!?!

anyone got any ideas - ideally I want to create a global template with out
company colours so that all users get 'company coloured' bullets and
numbering (don't ask - I just try and do as I'm asked !!)

thanks all

Shauna Kelly

Hi Nikki

What you're experiencing can be very frustrating. I've always found that
this problem occurs because I have inadvertently saved my customization in
the wrong file. I'd try this:

- Exit Word, and use Windows Explorer to re-name to, say, Nikki's

- Start Word (in the knowledge that anything you'd saved in will
now *not* be showing)

- File > New and create a template. Save it somewhere, but (for the moment)
not in the Word Startup folder

- Keep that template open while you make your customizations. For each
customization, at Tools > Customization, make sure the "Save In" box refers
to your template. Save when you're finished and close the template.

- Check out the effect of your template by creating a new document based on
your template. When that document is open, you should see your
customizations. When you're working on any other document, you should not
see your customizations. So you now know that the customizations are saved
in the right file.

- Now, exit Word. Move your template to the Word Startup folder, so that it
will load each time you start Word.

- Assuming everything's still all OK, you can either use Tools > Templates
and Add-ins to move customizations from Nikki's Old to the new
one that Word will have created. Or, exit Word and use Windows Explorer to
delete any new Word created and re-name Nikki's Old
back to You'll need to clean up whatever customizations you
inadvertently saved there.

By the way, if this were me, I'd replace the existing Bullet and Numbering
buttons with buttons that do something useful, like apply the List Bullet
and List Number styles, and give them the company colours!

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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