Hi All,
Is there a method to customise the timescale view so the label represents different periods to those available. There are 13 defined periods across the year in my project (see below) and am trying to incorporate these into my plan.
Period 1: 01 Jan - 25 Jan
Period 2: 26 Jan - 13 Feb
Period 3: 16 Feb - 19 Mar
Period 4: 22 Mar - 16 Apr
Period 5: 19 Apr - 14 May
and so...
Originally the plan was set-up to book act.work on an 'end of month' basis. In task usage I changed the timescale view to months making the work booking task much easier. Booking act.work on a period basis creates a variance between the MS Project calendar and the corporate project periods that I cannot consolidate e.g. in Period 3 I can't book the time in Feb or Mar as it cuts across both months. Act.work (bookings) is delivered to me on a period basis with little definition on when the time was consumed across that period - so I was need to summarise the task usage timescale.
It was recommended I post in this forum to see if anyone has attempted this customisation. If so, how long would it take - I can't do it, so would be looking for someone to do the work if it could be done in a reasonable time / cost.
TIA - Vers
Is there a method to customise the timescale view so the label represents different periods to those available. There are 13 defined periods across the year in my project (see below) and am trying to incorporate these into my plan.
Period 1: 01 Jan - 25 Jan
Period 2: 26 Jan - 13 Feb
Period 3: 16 Feb - 19 Mar
Period 4: 22 Mar - 16 Apr
Period 5: 19 Apr - 14 May
and so...
Originally the plan was set-up to book act.work on an 'end of month' basis. In task usage I changed the timescale view to months making the work booking task much easier. Booking act.work on a period basis creates a variance between the MS Project calendar and the corporate project periods that I cannot consolidate e.g. in Period 3 I can't book the time in Feb or Mar as it cuts across both months. Act.work (bookings) is delivered to me on a period basis with little definition on when the time was consumed across that period - so I was need to summarise the task usage timescale.
It was recommended I post in this forum to see if anyone has attempted this customisation. If so, how long would it take - I can't do it, so would be looking for someone to do the work if it could be done in a reasonable time / cost.
TIA - Vers