Steve Pruitt
I love this program--before I bought it, I was taking notes in Excel just so I could place text where I wanted
But, I'm still getting frustrated with the default outline numbering. No matter how many times I set the levels (I want standard outline numbers (I, A, 1, a, i, etc.)), it seems to reset to default whenever I hit enter or add a new level. Is there a way to set this permanently? My favorite option would be to simply change the order displayed in the task pane
I'm downloading SP-1 as I type and am hoping this may already be addressed
Steve Pruitt
But, I'm still getting frustrated with the default outline numbering. No matter how many times I set the levels (I want standard outline numbers (I, A, 1, a, i, etc.)), it seems to reset to default whenever I hit enter or add a new level. Is there a way to set this permanently? My favorite option would be to simply change the order displayed in the task pane
I'm downloading SP-1 as I type and am hoping this may already be addressed
Steve Pruitt