Customize PP Send to word



I would like to be able to "customize" the powerpoint send-
to-word process, and suspect that writing a vba macro is
probably the best way to go. Unfortunately, I'm not very
familiar with vba yet, so any help would be apprec'd.
1) I don't need the format/layout dialog form - I'm
creating a training manual from the presentation so the
choice of layout is always the same and I always
select 'paste link'
2) Once the slide has been pasted into Word, the existing
script changes the slide to size=75%x75% (I have to
manually change each slide back to 100%x100%
3) On the line prior to each pasted slide, the script
adds the slideindex (which reads Slide1, Slide2 etc) and I
would like the actual slide title to appear.

Any takers to offer to help me write this vba script??

Word Heretic

G'day "Rob" <[email protected]>,

The easy way is to muck with it after insertion. You use PP to send it
over, choose the format etc. Once in Word you press a button and
reformat it to spec.

If the slides are inline with text, you get to them by using

For Each InlinePikky in ActiveDocument.InlineShapes

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Rob reckoned:

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