Customize Risk: what is possible?



Hi All,

I'm trying to customize the risk form in the workspace..

I'm working on 2007 EPM....

is it possible to set up more than just one owner of the risk? it is
possible to set up an alert on a due date inside the risk form?
(for example I'd like to customize two different due dates and set ap
some alerts on each due date....)

thank you so much




Hi All,

I'm trying to customize the risk form in the workspace..

I'm working on 2007 EPM....

is it possible to set up more than just one owner of the risk? it is
possible to set up an alert on a due date inside the risk form?
(for example I'd like to customize two different due dates and set ap
some alerts on each due date....)

thank you so much



Hey there Vit,

The owner flield of the risk is a default field, and the info from
that flield enables the "Risks and Issues" to appear on that users'
PWA homepage.
So if you make any changes to that field the info will no longer be
displayed in PWA. The Due dates can be setup by creating a custom
field, but,
As far as the alerts are concerned, you might be able to create a
workflow using sharepoint designer that will alert you if the due
dates have been reached.

Hope this helps .


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi vit,

In addition to Andre's excellent post I believe that only the "assinged to"
is displayed on PWA and the owner.

Generally there is no reaon why you cant add another owner ( not that I knew
why you would wnat to do that). Additionally you can achieve your
notification with workflow. You could use Sharepoint desinger, but the
workflow you set up in workflow designer cannot be incorporated into the
workspace template. In order to achieve this you wil need to do some custom

Also one word of advice, do not delete any "out of the box" columns wihtin
the Risks and Issue lists, otherwise you will get an event log error. Not
that this does anything, but it is nastiy. Instead hide the columns
Hope this helps

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