Customize View Advanced Filter Causes Crash


Keith Russo

When selecting the Customize View\Filter\Advanced tab, Outlook crashes. Click
on any of the other tabs on this screen works fine. I updated to SP3 hoping
that would help but it didn’t.


TIA, Keith Russo

neo [mvp outlook]

Couple of thoughts...

1) Try doing a detect and repair via add/remove programs for your Office
2003<?> installation.

2) Try starting Outlook with the /cleanviews command line switch. Note,
this will delete all custom views and reset the built-in ones back to their

Keith Russo

I tried both suggestions but neither worked.

Unless someone has another suggestion, what about un-install and re-install
Outlook? Will if save my folder tree? What about Archive folder. That live
locally on the PC. I assume I just need to point to it, yes?


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