Hi Tony,
Well, I didn't say the way it's implemented is ideal <g> and yes it is
Could it have been setup to have Normal.dot(m) stored in LCID/language
subfolders, probably or rename it to have the LCID as part of
the name when going to 'old' (i.e. Normal1033.dot(m), probably <g>, but it
doesn't appear to be what happens as the default.
The behavior to rewrite a new Normal.dot(m) when you change the *primary
editing language* for Word isn't new to Word 2007, although
the warning you get depends both on version and the Language Settings tool
you use.
For example, for Office 2003, using the downloadable
Microsoft Office Desktop Language Settings tool
the message you get when changing the primary editing language is
"Changing the language defining default behavior for Microsoft Office
applications will result in loss of the following
o Any changes made to the default blank document template
in Word (normal.dot) and Powerpoint (blank.pot) such
as additional macros, styles, etc.
o Preference settings
o Bullets and numbering customizations in Word
o Toolbar customizations
[Continue and lose customizations] [Cancel]"
While using the Language Settings tools in Office 2007 the message is:
"The primary editing language has been changed and will take effect the
next time you start your Microsoft Office programs. This
change may replace some of your Office customizations, such as preferred
fonts and tab stops in the blank document template. Do you
want to continue? [Yes] [No]."
The change switches the registry value for 'InstallLanguage' (new choice)
and 'PreviousInstallLanguage' (last choice) in
When you next start Word I'm guessing that it compares the LCID stored in
the Normal template to that registry value and when it
doesn't match it generates, in memory, default settings in memory from
within the Office program files, and immediately renames the
previous Normal.dot(m) to Normal.dot.old (only one backup level) (it
doesn't send the previous one to the recycle bin).
(Interestingly when Word starts it still creates lock files in the \1033
folder for Building blocks, even though it's no longer the
primary editing language)
At this point there isn't a Normal.dot(m) file, just Word using, probably
in memory only, the internal basics settings stored within
the Word program
The creation of the new Normal.dotm happens, it appears, when you close
Word. As you mentioned, changing the primary editing
language also causes some of the registry keys for settings and options to
be switched, including including, in Word options,
unchecking the Advance option 'Prompt before saving Normal template'.
When the new Normal.dotm is generated here are some of the things that
are stored (at least they're viewable as XML <g>) that changed. System
defaults are English(US) in this case.
Page Size Section Property: Changed from Letter to A4
(but margins stayed at 1")
Customizations lost. Revert to installation defaults.
Default tab stops changed from .5" to .4917"
Theme Font Language property: from "en-US" to "fr-FR"
Text Run language default changed from "en-US" to "fr-FR"
Those seem to be, on a quick look the things that actually reflect the new
choice of primary editing language at the cost of
basically you have a new 'vanilla' (reset) default value set for the
locale code picked as the primary editing language, (i.e.
internal default languages are stored as section properties in
Normal.dot(m)) except where system settings (such as list separator
and decimal values overrule).
Any custom QAT entries stored in the Template are lost.
The Theme, Quick Style Set, Color set and Font Set are reset to the Word
2007 defaults.
The changes to style priorities and display.
Formatted autocorrect entries and pretty much anything stored in Normal is
lost unless you pull it back in.
<<"Tony Jollans" <My forename at my surname dot com> wrote in message
Hi Bob,
What, exactly, is in Normal.dotm that is interface language-dependent?
if there is anything, then what is wrong with using locale-specific
and, on interface language change, reinstating the appropriate one if it
exists? And/or basing the new Normal it creates on the existing one?
Something like the way Building Blocks work - although there does seem to
some confusion between interface language and document language there.
The way it works at the moment is destructive, which, in my book, is
It's from another discipline, but Hippocrates' injunction to "First, do no
harm" would seem to be appropriate.
Tony >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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