Customized tags resets itself



Sometimes my customization of tags gets reset to default. It happens
sporadically and I have to recustomize my tags. Anybody know the reason for
this and how to make sure the customization remains intact?

Is there a way to save several versions of customization?
How could a customization be transferred to another computer?

I'm using ON 2007 Trial.

Jon Erik

Dick Jensen

Johnny: I have the same issue as you and have not found a solution yet. I
will post once I find an answer. I am running the production version of
OneNote 2007.


Dick, Johnny,

I'm running 2007 full version and have had the same problem. It's happened
twice and I've only been using ON a month. Daniel Escarpa gives possible
solution to the 'backing up' question in a thread titled 'Tag
Synchronization', which I'm going to try out while waiting for our main
question to be addressed.

Dick Jensen

I found a fix for this. There is a configuration file that is corrupt. Exit
OneNote and then delete the preferences.dat file. It will be recreated when
you launch OneNote.

cd\Users\jensend\Application Data\Microsoft\OneNote\12.0\preferences.dat

Hope this helps you.

Dick Jensen


Thanks, Dick. Of course, deleting this file erases the custom tags once more,
but I hope for the last time!


I tried this - didn't work. After I set my customized tags it erased them
again. About to give up on customized tags in this version...

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