Customizing BCM Forms



I'm at a loss here. If I add a Contact, I'm shown a form with five tabs:
General, Details, Activities, Certificates, and All Fields. If I add a
Business Contact, the form only shows two tabs: General and Details. I can't
seem to change this behavior; if I try to change the default form ("When
posting to this [Business Contacts in Business Contact Manager] folder
use:"), BCM tells me I can't do that, and if I try to edit the Business
Contacts form I get an initial eror ("Business Contact Manager was unable to
initialize this form") and the Publish Form menu item is never enabled.

Is it possible to create and/or use a different form from Business Contacts
in BCM?


Short answer: no. It's not supported. Some people have reported doing
so successfully, so you might search this newsgroup for earlier posts,
but those methods have always sounded pretty fragile to me.

2007 allows users to add fields and customize picklists, but you don't
get full control of the form.

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