Customizing Project Workspaces???



For a Project Workspace that has been created via Project Server, what
exactly can you customize and what can you NOT customize?

Also, if you have folks in AD who you wish to be able to contribute
(to say provided the Issue Log), do they have to be Project Server

I know that it is dangerous to modify the fields in the Issue Log,
etc. outside of modifying the values in the drop down lists. However,
is it OK to give AD users contribute rights manually to the Issue Log
and other pre-created document libraries via SharePoint Admin

The reason I'm asking this is that we are slowly rolling out Project
Server internally, we have external users (customers) needing to
access information for a given project, BUT we do not wish to include
those external users as Project Server users at this time (no time
reporting, etc.).

Andy Novak


Hi Andy,

You can customize everything (almost ;))

on the Workspace, in the home page go to Site Action -> Site Settings

there you can change whatever you want... just try and you can see how
many stuff you can change...



Paul Conroy

extract from SDK

The Deliverables, Issues, and Risks folders in Figure 1 contain specialized
lists that are specifically designed for project team collaboration. The
other default lists in the All Site Content page (Announcements, Calendar,
Links, and Tasks) are generic lists that are available in all Windows
SharePoint Services sites.

I read this as:-

you can change anything apart from the default columns in Deliverables,
Issues and Risks (which can be hidden if they don't suit your requirements)


extract from SDK

The Deliverables, Issues, and Risks folders in Figure 1 contain specialized
lists that are specifically designed for project team collaboration. The
other default lists in the All Site Content page (Announcements, Calendar,
Links, and Tasks) are generic lists that are available in all Windows
SharePoint Services sites.

I read this as:-

you can change anything apart from the default columns in Deliverables,
Issues and Risks (which can be hidden if they don't suit your requirements)

Please rate this post if it has helped

- Show quoted text -

Do you absolutley have to add users throught the project (either as
team members or through task assigments), say to enter Issues or can
you grant access directly from the site?

I have noticed something lately. I added a project task list web
part to a site and gave read access to the site to everyone who has
authenticated. HOWEVER, I asked a Director here to try to access the
site and although he could get to the site, he could not see the tasks
in the web part. Sounds as though at least for some of the content,
you have to set that up through the Project Server roles.

Any and all elaboration on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Andy Novak



The advice from Paul seems to be on target.

Regarding project workspaces: They are ordinary WSS sites with all the same
security rules as any other WSS sites. What you will find is that when a
workspace is created by Project Server, it inserts a number of its roles as
SharePoint groups into your site security scheme, which I think you have
already figured out. Just go into Site Settings->People and Groups, and do
what you would normally do in any other WSS site, taking advantage of Project
Server roles as groups when they serve your purpose.



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