Customizing window size or remembering previous size



Everytime I create a new query, the design view window that opens is wide.
That is, the window spans the width of the desktop (Access is running full
screen). I tend to use the work space with lots of stuff open like the
assistance menu. I always have to adjust the size of the query design-view
window. The results window also opens to the full width of the desktop. Is
there a way to make the program remember the size of the previous window?


Tom said:
Everytime I create a new query, the design view window that opens is wide.
That is, the window spans the width of the desktop (Access is running full
screen). I tend to use the work space with lots of stuff open like the
assistance menu. I always have to adjust the size of the query design-view
window. The results window also opens to the full width of the desktop. Is
there a way to make the program remember the size of the previous


I'd also like to know a way to do that myself. Access' default
behavior, is, shall we say, less than appreciated . . .

I've had the same complaint since 1997, BTW, and even made several
"suggestions" through user-comment emails to MS, etc., and still
nothing has been done (big surprise!).


Chris O.

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