Cut and paste partial lists



I need to cut and paste parts of lists while maintaining the original number
for each item. The original docs were created where the list numbers would
automatically generate.

If I need to copy items 2, 3, 5, and 8 to a new doc I need to maintain the
original numbers assigned to each item but the items automatically renumber
to 1 ,2 ,3... .

Similarly, if I want to delete list items 1, 4, 6, and 7, the remaining
items renumber to 1, 2, 3,...

I have turned off the auto numbering feature for future docs but that is
inconvenient for the creation of the original.
If the existing docs were created using the auto numbering, how can I
maintain the original numbers when cut and pasting???


I was just informed of a resonable workaround!

Highlight the numbered items I do not want in the new document, go to
Format/Fonts/ and click "Hidden". This removes from view the unwanted
numbered items and maintains the original numbering!

Now, if there is a "real" way to do this, I would still be interested in the


Suzanne S. Barnhill

You could paste the entire list into another document, convert the numbers
to text, and then select just the items you want. To convert the numbers to
text (courtesy of MVP Stefan Blom:

To convert autonumbering (paragraph/outline numbering and LISTNUM
fields) to plain text, do the following: Make sure the active
document is the one you want to convert. Then press ALT+F11 to
display the Visual Basic Editor. On the View menu, click
Immediate Window. In the Immediate Window, type


and press ENTER.

Note that if paragraph/outline numbering was applied with styles,
it isn't completely gone (CTRL+Q will bring it back!) unless you
also clear it from the style definitions.

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