cut and paste range of data in excel




i am unable to cut paste a series of data after row 6 . i am sharing
the code please help me .

if (srcRng1.Value2.ToString() == "SRPMS:")
destRng2 = _shtDest.get_Range("B" + (i
+5).ToString(), Type.Missing);
TempSrc = _shtSrc.get_Range("A" + (i+1).ToString
(), Type.Missing);
destRng2.Value2 = TempSrc.Value2;

//for (int k = 6; k <= TempSrc.Rows.Count; k++)
// Temp = _shtDest.get_Range("B" + k.ToString
(), Type.Missing);

// Temp.Value2 = TempSrc.Value2;

// }

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