Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special not working



The right-click functions to use the Cur, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special are
not available. They are all grayed out. THe same happen if I try to use
these functions through the main menu (Edit).
My IT has already reinstalled the entire Office XP, and I still have the
same problem.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Thanks you,



A guess...

Are you trying to edit an existing worksheet? Sometimes I protect the sheet
so people don't go in and tamper with the sheet... specially when they only
need to look at them.

Are you using a brand new sheet?


HEllo David,

Thanks for your interest and time to answer my question.
Actually, I figured that out.
I had openned another spreadsheet where a macro disabled the usage of
cut&Paste. Somehow, even after the workbook was closed, the system assumed
that Cut&Paste should be disabled. To fix, you need to run a macro in the
Immediate" window of the "Visual Basic" editor. Use the function "Call" the
name of the tab (it can be any tab) with "." and the word "EnableCut&Paste"
or DisableCut&Paste".

I hope this can help others.

Thanks and take care,


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