cutting part of a picture out



Can I cut or erase a middle section, the middle 1/3, out of a picture or is
there a way to maybe divide a picture in different sections and format those
sections seperately?


I made a copy of the image and and cropped one from one side and croppped the
other on the other side and then pasted the two next to each other.


Interesting improvisation, but as you've found Word is not an image editing
program. The best way to do what you want to accomplish is in a program such
as Photoshop or some other graphics application. Then insert the completed
result into your doc.

Your solution may well be satisfactory as long as you're content with the
fact that you now have 2 copies of the same image in your doc - thus
increasing the file size. Also, if you haven't already done so I'd suggest
to select the two images & apply the Group command so they don't get
separated from each other.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Frank Martin

There is a small software package called
Zeallsoft "Super Screen Capture" which allows dissecting of
pictures into parts.

The parts can then be pasted elsewhere

I use this for cutting out relevant sections of the Windows
Explorer folder tree to label DVD backups.

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