Cyan and Magenta dots in white area of image


Keefe John

Hey Guys,

I am having a small, but annoying, printing issue with Publisher 2003. I
have a multi-page pub doc setup as a sales flyer. On several pages, I have
included my logo. When I print the pub doc out, I can see little cyan and
magenta dots around my logo, in the "white" area of the logo. The logo is
300 DPI, and is in jpg format. I have also tried doing it in tif format, and
with a transparent background. If I print the logo directly from photoshop,
I do not see these little dots.

Does anyone have any ideas?



JoAnn Paules

Have you tried looking at the logo at something like 300%? It could be that
the white part isn't a void but a color that is *almost* white that, when
printed, gives you the little dots.

Keefe John

Yeah I have opened the picture in photoshop and selected the white area, and
cleared it, so I know that there isn't anything there.

Does publisher mess with pictures when you resize them?


JoAnn Paules said:
Have you tried looking at the logo at something like 300%? It could be that
the white part isn't a void but a color that is *almost* white that, when
printed, gives you the little dots.

JoAnn Paules

It shouldn't but all that means is that it *shouldn't* no that it doesn't.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Keefe John said:
Yeah I have opened the picture in photoshop and selected the white area,
cleared it, so I know that there isn't anything there.

Does publisher mess with pictures when you resize them?


JoAnn Paules said:
Have you tried looking at the logo at something like 300%? It could be
the white part isn't a void but a color that is *almost* white that, when
printed, gives you the little dots.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Keefe John said:
Hey Guys,

I am having a small, but annoying, printing issue with Publisher 2003.
have a multi-page pub doc setup as a sales flyer. On several pages, I
included my logo. When I print the pub doc out, I can see little cyan
magenta dots around my logo, in the "white" area of the logo. The logo
300 DPI, and is in jpg format. I have also tried doing it in tif
with a transparent background. If I print the logo directly from
I do not see these little dots.

Does anyone have any ideas?



Keefe John

I solved my own problem. Here is what I did.

I clicked on each picture that had the litle dots, and then I went to the
Picture toolbar, and clicked on Set Transparent Color button. It is the
second icon from the right.

Everything prints fine now. :)

Keefe John
Techware PC

JoAnn Paules said:
It shouldn't but all that means is that it *shouldn't* no that it doesn't.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Keefe John said:
Yeah I have opened the picture in photoshop and selected the white area,
cleared it, so I know that there isn't anything there.

Does publisher mess with pictures when you resize them?


JoAnn Paules said:
Have you tried looking at the logo at something like 300%? It could be
the white part isn't a void but a color that is *almost* white that, when
printed, gives you the little dots.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Hey Guys,

I am having a small, but annoying, printing issue with Publisher 2003.
have a multi-page pub doc setup as a sales flyer. On several pages, I
included my logo. When I print the pub doc out, I can see little cyan
magenta dots around my logo, in the "white" area of the logo. The logo
300 DPI, and is in jpg format. I have also tried doing it in tif
with a transparent background. If I print the logo directly from
I do not see these little dots.

Does anyone have any ideas?



JoAnn Paules

Feels good, doesn't it? :)

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Keefe John said:
I solved my own problem. Here is what I did.

I clicked on each picture that had the litle dots, and then I went to the
Picture toolbar, and clicked on Set Transparent Color button. It is the
second icon from the right.

Everything prints fine now. :)

Keefe John
Techware PC

JoAnn Paules said:
It shouldn't but all that means is that it *shouldn't* no that it

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Keefe John said:
Yeah I have opened the picture in photoshop and selected the white
cleared it, so I know that there isn't anything there.

Does publisher mess with pictures when you resize them?



Have you tried looking at the logo at something like 300%? It could be
the white part isn't a void but a color that is *almost* white that,
printed, gives you the little dots.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Hey Guys,

I am having a small, but annoying, printing issue with Publisher
have a multi-page pub doc setup as a sales flyer. On several pages,
included my logo. When I print the pub doc out, I can see little
magenta dots around my logo, in the "white" area of the logo. The
300 DPI, and is in jpg format. I have also tried doing it in tif
with a transparent background. If I print the logo directly from
I do not see these little dots.

Does anyone have any ideas?



Mac Townsend

Usually when you get artifacts such as this it is the result of color
management problems. Problems that you really have no control over.

However, just because you don't get the spots on prints from pshop does
not mean they are not there.

Especially when you try to delete the background (click with the wand
and then hiit the delete key). Because the magic wand doesn't catch all
the stuff that's there. Zoom in at 100%-200% and use the want in a
blank spot. then look for "marching ants" (selection) in areas you think
are empty...Chances are if you look hard you will find them. Solve that
problem or look inot that issue first. did not indicate file format. Personally, I wouldn't
t use jpg to line a cat box. Use tiff.

Next, you did not say if the image in Pshop was rgb or cmyk. I still
think that images into Publisher ought to be RGB and let Publisher
handle conversion. Set the profile in Pshop to be sRGB because I think
that's what Publisher expectgs.

If an RGB tiff is toning (and you have verified the image is clean --
most of the time images I see that are supposed to be clean are not!)
then try importing the image into some othr application and print. Same
result, problem is in the image. Different result, problem is Publisher.

Next, resave the image as a Photoshop eps in CMYK (NOT a DCS) and
reimport it. I don't think Publisher will mess with it then and it
should not tone

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