Yes. The code below was written to snoop around and database, grab
control names and controlSources and capture the data to a table. The
principle is the same. It should be easy for you to adapt it. I've added
comments to help you understand what does what.
Sub snoopCtl()
Dim sourceRS As DAO.Recordset
Dim targetRS As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Object
'The MSysObjects table is a table that contains a list of all objects in
the database, identifying their name, owner, type, etc.
'-32768 is the TYPE for form objects
Set sourceRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));", dbOpenForwardOnly)
While Not sourceRS.EOF
Debug.Print sourceRS.Fields("Name")
DoCmd.OpenForm sourceRS.Fields("Name"), acDesign, , , ,
For Each ctl In Forms(0).Controls
Debug.Print " " & ctl.Name
'Code to change the properties goes here you may want
to use the With ctl/wend to make life easier
DoCmd.Close acForm, sourceRS.Fields("Name"), acSaveNo
'Check help the contstant is either acSave or acSaveYes not certain
Set sourceRS = Nothing
End Sub