Cyrillic text displayed incorrectly in Outlook 2007. How to fix?


Taras Braga

Outlook 2007 renders cyrillic plain text formatted messages in UTF-8

This seems to be an issue, when using IMAP folders and plain text.

Message becomes readable only after you open it, then change encoding to any
other and then back to UTF-8? How to fix?

Same preoblem with my friends running windows XP, Outlook 2007 and using IMAP.

Pat Willener

Outlook - or any mail client - will try to render a received message in
the way the 'encoding' was specified by the sender. If the sender does
not specify the correct encoding (e.g. Windows-1251 or KOI8-R), then you
will have to manually correct the encoding, as you have specified.

If you have Russian Windows with the appropriate email client, then it
may automatically recognize the encoding of the incoming Russian
message. But if you have English Windows and Outlook, then there is no
way any software can automatically recognize what encoding the
double-bytes in the message are.

Or are you saying that the Russian message(s) are actually encoded in UTF-8?

Taras Braga

Or are you saying that the Russian message(s) are actually encoded in UTF-8?

Exactly. The initial message is encoded in UTF-8. It shows correct
characters only after changing the encoding back and forth.

I solved the problem. The .pst file for your mail messages should be created
in Outlook 2007 format.

Pat Willener

Taras said:
Exactly. The initial message is encoded in UTF-8. It shows correct
characters only after changing the encoding back and forth.

I solved the problem. The .pst file for your mail messages should be created
in Outlook 2007 format.

Thanks for the feedback!

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