daily report saved to wrkbook?



can i create a report log for each day and make a macro
button to allow users to purge into a designated wrkbook.
Can the wrkbook be set up to take in each daily log as a
worksheet? How many days can i do? basically i want a
journal of activity recorded on site and to have in here
on spreadshhet. OR is it better to link it to another
program such as word or access? any ideas as to which is
effective for use.

Dave Peterson

See one response to your other post.

can i create a report log for each day and make a macro
button to allow users to purge into a designated wrkbook.
Can the wrkbook be set up to take in each daily log as a
worksheet? How many days can i do? basically i want a
journal of activity recorded on site and to have in here
on spreadshhet. OR is it better to link it to another
program such as word or access? any ideas as to which is
effective for use.

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