Daily Sales E-mail


D. Austin

A while back there was a post of a macro that when ran it would
automatically open Entourage and email a workbook and it used what ever was
in Cell A1 as the subject line.

I would like something similar to send my daily sales report. Except I do
not want to send the entire workbook only a range of A1:H13 and Copy and
paste it as a picture in the body of the e-mail.

I know how to create the macro to do select the range and copy, I just do
not know how to link the macro to open the application and do the e-mail

Any help would be nice.

Bernard Rey

D. Austin wrote :
A while back there was a post of a macro that when ran it would
automatically open Entourage and email a workbook and it used what ever was
in Cell A1 as the subject line.

I would like something similar to send my daily sales report. Except I do
not want to send the entire workbook only a range of A1:H13 and Copy and
paste it as a picture in the body of the e-mail.

I couldn't find out how to obtain a picture. Here's a couple of lines that
will send the wanted cells in a single-sheeted, new workbook, in which
you'll get rid of the formulas and only display results. But, well, it's
still an Excel Workbook, so it'll need Excel to be read.

If I come to a better idea, I'll post again...

Sub MailARange()
MyAddress = Range("A1").Value
MySubject = Range("B1").Value
Content = Range("C1").Value
MyCurrentWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="SentBook"
MyNewWBName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
With ActiveSheet
.Name = "SentSheet"
.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With

MyString = "Tell application ""Microsoft Entourage""" & _
vbCr & "make new outgoing message with properties" & _
"{recipient:""" & MyAddress & """,subject:""" & MySubject & _
""",content:""" & Content & """,attachment:""" & _
MyNewWBName & """}" & vbCr & _
"move the result to out box folder" & vbCr & "send" & _
vbCr & "end tell"
MacScript MyString
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Kill MyNewWBName
End Sub


Is this Visual Basic of AppleScript ?

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Bernard REY

SVEN AERTS wrote :
Is this Visual Basic of AppleScript ?

If you mean the macro that came after the quoted lines, it was a Visual
Basic macro, itself creating an AppleScript in order to send an email.

The VBA instruction to launch an AppleScipt is "MacScript".

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