Damn Reviewing Toolbar



Everytime I open Word docs that were created in previous
versions of Word I see the Final MarkUp rendition of the
doc. I see all of the formatting, insertions, and
deletions that have taken place.

I have to open up the "Reviewing" taskbar,
Deselect the Comments, Ink Annotations, Formatting, etc
check marks. Then I get back to the normal doc.

Any ideas on how to turn this off FOR GOOD?


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi BenJammin,

Was "Track changes" active while these documents were being
edited in the previous Word version? Then the behavior is
understandable, and actually desirable. You should
Accept/Reject the changes in these documents if you aren't
interested in the tracking, and turn off Track changes.

Otherwise, they're sure to crash, someday, with all that
stuff just accumulating in them. Just turning off the
*display* of the tracking won't help!
Everytime I open Word docs that were created in previous
versions of Word I see the Final MarkUp rendition of the
doc. I see all of the formatting, insertions, and
deletions that have taken place.

I have to open up the "Reviewing" taskbar,
Deselect the Comments, Ink Annotations, Formatting, etc
check marks. Then I get back to the normal doc.

Any ideas on how to turn this off FOR GOOD?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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