DAO? ADO? help with these two please



Hi all,

After several years of programming access databases, I have to admit I still don't know the differences between DAO and ADO. I've been programing Access data bases using DAO for a long time. Now that I want to move to Client/server databases I want to be sure which one I have to choose.

Any kind of explanation on the differences between DAO and ADO, no matter how short it is, would be much appreciated.
Is there anywhere in the net with some explanation on these two and the differences of them?

thanks in advance

John Viescas

My general rule of thumb: If I'm writing code to manipulate JET (mdb / mde)
data, then I use DAO. If I'm writing code to manipulate SQL Server data
(adp / ade), I use ADO. The form and report recordsets in an mdb are DAO,
so it makes sense to use that for recordsets in code. When working with JET
tables, there are many more tasks that you can do in DAO (which, after all,
was designed for JET) and not in ADO than there are tasks you can do in ADO
but not DAO.

Microsoft tried to push us to ADO in Access 2000 by not including the DAO
reference in any new MDB file. They have finally admitted that this is
wrong, so any mdb you create new in 2003 DOES have a reference to DAO.

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out"
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)
Hi all,

After several years of programming access databases, I have to admit I still
don't know the differences between DAO and ADO. I've been programing Access
data bases using DAO for a long time. Now that I want to move to
Client/server databases I want to be sure which one I have to choose.

Any kind of explanation on the differences between DAO and ADO, no matter
how short it is, would be much appreciated.
Is there anywhere in the net with some explanation on these two and the
differences of them?

thanks in advance

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