DAO Error Code: 0xbeb



Hello - I have an access database contraining various data for 200,000
vehicles. I use Crystal Reports to pull pieces of information. Whenever I
try to run more than one crystal report simultaneously, I get the following
error ( or very similiar):
Not supported.
Details: DAO Code: 0xbeb
Source: DAO Indexes
Description: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannont open the file
"filename." It is already opened exclusively by another, or you need
permission to view its data

Jeff Boyce


?Perhaps Crystal takes exclusive control?

Have you tried using Access' reporting features?


Jeff Boyce
<Office/Access MVP>

Tom Wickerath

Hi Matt,

Try this KB article:

Error: "MS Jet database engine cannot open file... already open by
another user"




Hello - I have an access database contraining various data for 200,000
vehicles. I use Crystal Reports to pull pieces of information. Whenever I
try to run more than one crystal report simultaneously, I get the following
error ( or very similiar):
Not supported.
Details: DAO Code: 0xbeb
Source: DAO Indexes
Description: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannont open the file
"filename." It is already opened exclusively by another, or you need
permission to view its data


Hi Tom - thanks for your help, however I am using an Access 2003 database.
Please let me know if you any more guesses -- greatly appreciated.


I have had this same error and have been following this post. The path you
speak of does not exist. I might add this error on mine occures on a split
database and only started after upgrading to SP2. When the database was not
split I got no errors, just nothing. Very fustrating indeed. Especially since
in works fine on 25 other computers.

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