DAO Library Turns Itself Off!


John F Kappler

Hello! This is Access 2000 related.

We have a database that requires the use of Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object

Copies of this database (it's front end to tables on a file server)
are passed to each user on a regular basis, and this works quite
happily, EXCEPT....

during the copy the checkmark for the DAO Object in Tools / Refernces
keeps getting turned off. This happens each time a new copy of the
database arrives, even though the original copy has it turned on. Any
ideas what may be causing this please?



Brendan Reynolds

3.5 is the wrong version for Access 2000. You should be using 3.6 with
Access 2000.

Brendan Reynolds

Are users actually receiving a copy of the MDB, or are the objects from one
MDB being imported into another MDB?

If a complete MDB is being copied from one location to another, references
should remain intact. (It's possible for a reference to be marked as
'missing' on the target PC, if the required component or version of the
component is not present, but for the reference to become unchecked is
something that I haven't heard of before.) But if there is an import
involved, that would explain it - Access 2000 doesn't include a DAO
reference by default in a new MDB.

If there's no import involved, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas - I did a search
of the Knowledge Base using keywords 'Access 2000', 'DAO', and 'reference'.
The search produced the following two KB articles, but neither of them
appear to match the situation you describe.



If you haven't already done so, it may help to ensure that all service packs
and patches are installed,
by visiting the Windows Update and Office Update sites at www.microsoft.com

John F Kappler

Thanks for that reply Brendan.

You've confirmed my thoughts (but I have less qualification!)

The .mdb is copied to each user once a day and I'd assumed the
references should stay there.

I'm now pursuing the Access programmer to see what he's been getting
up to on the master databasee.....

Thanks again.


Pieter Wijnen

I will publish the code 1 day (when I'm confident it'll work always - strill
struggling with .mde's)


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