I'm not sure if this is the right place or not... I'm using an Access
database from VB6 via DAO.
I'm doing something like this:
sSQL = "select * from table1 where [column name] = 2"
set objQuery = db.CreateQueryDef( "", sSQL )
in the resulting temporary QueryDef, there is 1 parameter, named "colum
name". I expected there to be 0 parameters.
It looks to me like access parses out the SQL finding [foo] to make them
parameters, but I have column names with strange names (spaces, numbers) that
require square brackets, so how do I tell Access that these are column names
and not parameters ?
I am using a QueryDef because I am trying to add a where clause which
compares a field's value to a string, and the string has lots of strange
characeters, which prevents me (so far) from using using it in straight SQL.
- Alex
database from VB6 via DAO.
I'm doing something like this:
sSQL = "select * from table1 where [column name] = 2"
set objQuery = db.CreateQueryDef( "", sSQL )
in the resulting temporary QueryDef, there is 1 parameter, named "colum
name". I expected there to be 0 parameters.
It looks to me like access parses out the SQL finding [foo] to make them
parameters, but I have column names with strange names (spaces, numbers) that
require square brackets, so how do I tell Access that these are column names
and not parameters ?
I am using a QueryDef because I am trying to add a where clause which
compares a field's value to a string, and the string has lots of strange
characeters, which prevents me (so far) from using using it in straight SQL.
- Alex