Thanks very much for your thorough reply! I've been
sidetracked on other issues, including a possible merger
and subsequent huge expansion of the database, including
migrating to SQL Server.
I will try your suggestions and see what happens. In
reference to Jet4SP8, should this be installed on only
the front end (local user) machines and on the server or
just the locals? (The reason I ask is that I'm having a
problem with very slow performance when opening queries,
etc., in design view. A KB article mentioned this
problem when using Access 2000 with Windows NT server,
and different Jet versions on the local machines and NT
server. Although we are using Access XP on Windows XP
Pro (locals), and Win 2000 Server, this is the exact
problem I'm having.)
Thanks very much for your help!
Paul Sweeney
-----Original Message-----
You may want to try downloading Jet4SP8 and see if that
helps. It should be available on
www.windowsupdate.com. Also, check your references (open a code module and go to
Tools|References) and see which version of DAO you are
using. If it is 3.5, uncheck it and
scroll down the list and choose version 3.6.
If that doesn't work and your file is in Access 2000 format, you may want to try a
decompile. If it is in Access 2002 format, try creating
a new database and importing all
of the objects into the new file. Make a copy of the
database before you do this in case
it trashes the database.
To decompile, open the database with the following command line:
"<path>\msaccess.exe" "<path>\MyDatabase.mdb" /excl /deco mpile
Include switches for workgroup, user, and password if
you normally need them. Once the
database is open, immediately compact it (Tools|Database Utilities|Compact and Repair).
When it reopens from that, open a code window and go to
Debug|Compile.... to compile the
Definitely change your Dim statements. You should be
able to use search/replace (Ctrl+H)
to do this.
Find What: As Database
Replace With: As DAO.Database
Search: Current Project
Do this for recordsets, querydefs, tabledefs, and any
other DAO objects you may have.