Steve Hawkins
The automatic conversion of - or -- to dash seems to be an entirely random
process. Sometimes, a nice little blue underline tag appears to ask
permission; sometimes a dash just appears; most of the time nothing happens?
If one applies dashes by autoformatting after the event - even if all the
other boxes are unticked - the whole doc layout is changed as well.
Why is there no 'dash' key (can I assign one?)?
(I used to use 'alt' keys to add such characters but most of the time
nothing seems to happen when I use either the 'Alt' or 'Alt Gr' keys plus
the relevant number for these or fractions or accents these days.)
How does one get this feature to work properly?
process. Sometimes, a nice little blue underline tag appears to ask
permission; sometimes a dash just appears; most of the time nothing happens?
If one applies dashes by autoformatting after the event - even if all the
other boxes are unticked - the whole doc layout is changed as well.
Why is there no 'dash' key (can I assign one?)?
(I used to use 'alt' keys to add such characters but most of the time
nothing seems to happen when I use either the 'Alt' or 'Alt Gr' keys plus
the relevant number for these or fractions or accents these days.)
How does one get this feature to work properly?