DASL/SQL - Today(s) function




Trying to setup an DASL/SQL query - here's the scenario. We get emails
from a device when a event begins and ends. I would like to display the
email if the event has started and not finished (received the stop
email) after say, 2 hours.

I believe I need to do something close to this:

"urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" LIKE '%play%' OR
"urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" LIKE '%stop%'

I'm stuck qualifying the "within two hours" portion.

Any ideas would help,


Brian Tillman

Trying to setup an DASL/SQL query - here's the scenario. We get emails
from a device when a event begins and ends. I would like to display
the email if the event has started and not finished (received the stop
email) after say, 2 hours.

You'd do better asking in a newsgroup related to SQL.

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