.DAT Files



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

attached .doc files sent from some windows machines appear as win.dat in Entourage emails

same email if opened with web mail account appears with .doc attachement correct

what causes this?

William Smith [MVP]

attached .doc files sent from some windows machines appear as win.dat
in Entourage emails

same email if opened with web mail account appears with .doc
attachement correct

what causes this?

IIRC, this happens when an Outlook user sends a message in RTF format.
Microsoft long ago deprecated that format but many folks still use it
because it was the default a long time ago.

Ask Outlook users to send messages as either plain text (preferred) or HTML.

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>

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