Data aggregation with multiple workbooks



I am currently setting up a workbook. In this workbook I have a data input
sheet where people would fill out information. Multiple people will be
filling out this worksheet. What is the best way to aggregate the data among
multiple workbooks.


I think i would do, in every workbooks, a function that opens the common
workbook, reads data and closes the common workbook like this:

Sub ReadCommonDataInOtherworkbook()
Dim vaFileName
Dim DataRead

'i block the screen updating, so the users don't realize what happen
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'i open my common workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:="c:\tmp\xxxx.xls"
'i set my focus in common workbook
'i set focus on the cell that i want and i take data
DataRead = ActiveCell.Value
'i close my common workbook

'i unblock the screen updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

MsgBox DataRead

End Sub


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