Data alignment between multiple columns



I need to align data between multiple columns. For example, A, B, C, D

Column A has the source data that I wish to compare against, so fo

Column A Column B Column C

A-1000 A-1010 A-1010 is red
A-1010 A-1020 A-1020 is blue
A-1020 A-1050 A-1050 is white

Basically Column A is the source data column that I need to align th
data from Column B & C with. If I perform a sort it will only work o
one row. So I need to match the Values in Column A with thei
correspondents in Column B & C. I have attached a sample file. This i
matching data between one and many columns.


Dave Peterson

I'm not quite sure what your question is, but if you're sorting and the other
columns aren't moving when you do it, you might have better luck selecting all
the columns in the range, then sorting that via Data|sort.

I don't like to use the A-Z and Z-A sort icons on the toolbar. It's too easy to
only sort one column--instead of the whole range.

If this isn't close to what you were asking, you may want to rephrase your
question and ask again.

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