I am having an issue with data appearing on the report i have created.
I have a list of features that the user can select in the form. This
list appears in the report but I have used a combo box for this (which
for this part is not a problem).
In the list appears Features 1-10
Below this list I would like to have a the Feature Name Appear and
Below that a description for that feature.
There are two tables I am working with here, TBL_MAIN which contains
the fields for features 1-10 and TBL_Natural_Features, this table
contains an unique ID, a list of all the features and their
appropriate description. I need to get this description based on what
i have selected for in the feature field. I was able to do this wiht
a combo box have come to reailze that it was not the correct method
and that i need the boxes to shrink which only can be done to my
knowledge with a text box.
I have a list of features that the user can select in the form. This
list appears in the report but I have used a combo box for this (which
for this part is not a problem).
In the list appears Features 1-10
Below this list I would like to have a the Feature Name Appear and
Below that a description for that feature.
There are two tables I am working with here, TBL_MAIN which contains
the fields for features 1-10 and TBL_Natural_Features, this table
contains an unique ID, a list of all the features and their
appropriate description. I need to get this description based on what
i have selected for in the feature field. I was able to do this wiht
a combo box have come to reailze that it was not the correct method
and that i need the boxes to shrink which only can be done to my
knowledge with a text box.