I have been working on a geneology spreadsheet for one of my surnames. I can
get the names to go into alphabetical order, but when I want the dates of
birth to ascend or decend, I can get the dob for the 1900's to go in order on
the list but the 1800's will not and the 1800's dates will not change form
ddmmyyyy to mmddyyyy. (I tried to format this data to mmddyyyy, but it will
not change.) I have looked throught all of my info without any results. Any
get the names to go into alphabetical order, but when I want the dates of
birth to ascend or decend, I can get the dob for the 1900's to go in order on
the list but the 1800's will not and the 1800's dates will not change form
ddmmyyyy to mmddyyyy. (I tried to format this data to mmddyyyy, but it will
not change.) I have looked throught all of my info without any results. Any