Data Base wanted



Where can I get a small data base from. I wish to record Hours worked for up
to 10 people and be able to create reports that will show hours worked per
Is there a site that has ready made data bases etc.

thanks Alex

Larry Linson

In Access 2003, File | New -- in the Task Pane to the right, click on "On my
computer", one of the databases is "Time and Billing". Access 2002, File |
New brings up a task pane, under "New from template", choose General
Templates, and "Time and Billing" is one of the options. For Access 97,
there is a "Time and Billing" template. I don't have an installed copy of
Access 2000 handy, but I'd be surprised if there's not a template or
database for this purpose.

These are not only available for free, you don't even have to go to some
website to download them. But, you may need to modify them to meet your
specific needs.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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