Really weird problem I have with a report generated by a application at
work. I run off a monthly report of products completed by employees. It
shows the following info in a pdf report
User ID No Products Date Sub Date Last Sub Last Date Sub
Smith_0001 5 01/01/2006 10/01/2006 10/01/2006
Brown_0002 8 02/01/2006 11/01/2006 11/01/2006
Etc but it lists about 300 staff over 14 pages when I copy it and paste it
into Excel it lists all the names followed by numbers followed by dates all
in the A column. Then when it hits another page starts with names again
dates are blank and a * I spaced there.
I want to be able to drop it in Excel like above with the names split form
the number and that placed in another cell and the No's and dates to fill in
the rows. I cannot special paste from Adobe and Transpose I have to
pasted then re copy but then the Transpose takes a lot of mucking about.
Is there a way I can manipulate the text to do as I wish ???
If that is possible as you see the list includes some 350 people are part of
different departments on different areas of the company. I have a Excel
spreadsheet showing were they work. Now i know in Acess this would be
easy but we are banned from using access at work.
So i need to know if it is possible to use the pdf file and compare it
with the master departments list and create a list from the pdf
showing who is in what group and how many submissions?
Cheers Dale
Please help me with this issue showing me how to do it. I can send a sample
file if you need me to.
Really weird problem I have with a report generated by a application at
work. I run off a monthly report of products completed by employees. It
shows the following info in a pdf report
User ID No Products Date Sub Date Last Sub Last Date Sub
Smith_0001 5 01/01/2006 10/01/2006 10/01/2006
Brown_0002 8 02/01/2006 11/01/2006 11/01/2006
Etc but it lists about 300 staff over 14 pages when I copy it and paste it
into Excel it lists all the names followed by numbers followed by dates all
in the A column. Then when it hits another page starts with names again
dates are blank and a * I spaced there.
I want to be able to drop it in Excel like above with the names split form
the number and that placed in another cell and the No's and dates to fill in
the rows. I cannot special paste from Adobe and Transpose I have to
pasted then re copy but then the Transpose takes a lot of mucking about.
Is there a way I can manipulate the text to do as I wish ???
If that is possible as you see the list includes some 350 people are part of
different departments on different areas of the company. I have a Excel
spreadsheet showing were they work. Now i know in Acess this would be
easy but we are banned from using access at work.
So i need to know if it is possible to use the pdf file and compare it
with the master departments list and create a list from the pdf
showing who is in what group and how many submissions?
Cheers Dale
Please help me with this issue showing me how to do it. I can send a sample
file if you need me to.