Data edit / delete problem



I have a single data entry form based on a query
containing an outer join. The query selects all "h's" on
the many side and only "e's" on the one side that match in
the pkey - foreign key relation. Fields are bound.

Data entry has not been a problem - am able to enter an e,
or an h, or both, and everything updates properly by going
off the current record.

But when I return to a record I added, I can neither
delete it nor edit it - I get a message that another user
is editing the record. My only choices in the MS dialogue
box that pops up when trying to edit are to Discard
Changes or Copy to Clipboard. I'm the only user.

The Database is split with a MS-SQL2k (MSDE) backend
on a network drive, and I use a DSN with an ODBC

What might be causing this problem and how can it be
corrected so that I can edit or delete records? I have a
hunch just changing the refresh rate is not going to solve
this. Thanks in advance.

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