You'll have to make them all combo boxes, based on existing values. So
if the field is [PaintColor], for example, in a table named tblPaintOrder,
your combo box would look something like this ...
sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT [PaintColor] FROM tblPaintOrder ORDER BY [PaintColor]"
cboPaintColor.RowSource = sSQL
This looks up ALL the values for PaintColor in the target table. Alternatively,
you could have a lookup table as the sorce, tblPaintColor. But I'm assuming
you might have fields that need to allow users to add values, and you want that
to happen easily, so you might set the LimitToList to false.
That way, when a user enters "Luster Beige" as a color, they may do so
without having to add it to the tblPaintColor table. The next time someone
types Lus... the list will jump to Luster Beige and assist in data entry ... provided
you have the autocomplete property set to true.