Data Entry into Grid



I have a form with a calendar on top. When the user selects the date, I need
to display a list of items from one of two tables (depending on whether data
already exists for that date). The list of items has 3 fields each. The
user must be able to maintain one of the fields. Then they click either the
Add or the Update button (only one is enabled), and all the items are saved
to an Access database as one transaction. I am using Access 2000. I have
tried using the MSFlexGrid, but it doesn't appear to allow data entry.
Someone told me to bind the grid to a recordset but not to the database but I
couldn't find a RecordSource property. I thought about using a datasheet but
then it would be bound, and I don't want to save anything until the user
clicks the button. And I've tried textboxes with continuous forms set, but I
didn't want to bind the one field that they can enter data into on an Add.
Then when I type something in the first line of the repeating textboxes, it
appears in all, and I've seen a post that implies the continuous forms must
have all fields bound. I've heard of floating a textbox over the grid but I
am not sure how to do that. Does anyone have a suggestion?


I'm not sure how to do that with the MSFlexGrid. I tried to find a
RecordSource property, but I couldn't. Right now I am reading the database
and setting the values cell by cell. Or did you mean to bind the datasheet
to a temporary table? I thought of that but I haven't tried it.


I meant the datasheet.
Datasheets were designed to use with Access; MSFlexGrid was designed for VB.
I generally find it easier to use datasheets in Access and MSFlexGrid in VB.


That takes care of it. Thanks a lot!

MacDermott said:
I meant the datasheet.
Datasheets were designed to use with Access; MSFlexGrid was designed for VB.
I generally find it easier to use datasheets in Access and MSFlexGrid in VB.

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