Data entry mode in form view


Ashfaq Parkar

hi every body,
i am using access xp as front end and back end sql 2k.
i am trying to add some records for testing purpose using one form which is
bound to one table, when i use Data Entry Property = yes with default view =
Continuous Forms it shows nothing on the form for input, where as in normal
database (mdb) it shows blank controls for input and u can add records.

i am using Recordset Type = Updatable Snapshot (only 2 options are available
1=snapshot, 2=updatable snap shot)

can any body? is there any way ? or how we can use data entry property to yes.
is there any specifc version to use for this?

thanks and kind regards.
Ashfaq Parkar

Rose Hamilton

Hi Ashfaq,

Have you got Allow Additions set to Yes? I f you haven't, you won't get a
blank record to enter data into.

Ashfaq Parkar

hi rose,
first off all thanks for ur mail

allow edits = yes
allow deletions = yes
allow additions = yes

i tried this also
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
' .CursorLocation = adUseClient ( both tried)
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM tblCO WHERE strCO = '01' ",
CurrentProject.Connection, , , adCmdText

Me.DataEntry = True
Set Me.Recordset = rs

but no use. no blank controls for addition.

*** all permission are ok.
*** there r 2 sql server one is main and another is on my local machine. i
m trying *** this for my local machine server and i have granted all
permissions for main *** domain login account. i do have local sign on
....... is this problem?

is data entry mode working in adp like mdb? really i do not know. can
u/some body pls help me on this.

thanks and regards

Ashfaq Parkar

hi rose,

i got the answer. every thing was right only because of the PK was not
defiened in the table data entry mode was not working, hence getting plane
form without controls.

it means u must have at least 1 PK field in the table. without it u can view
only not add or update.

Ashfaq Parkar

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