My objective of this project is to have my co-workers,
who are not familiar with Access, to input data in Excel.
Meanwhile I will either establish a link or a macro to
transfer data to Access which, at the end will be picked
up by Crystal Report to produce a report. I have made two
unsuccessful attempts.
Attempt # 1)
I made a link between Access and Excel so that when
information changed in Excel will change in Access and
vice versa. Steps that I used was
-Choose Excel directory
-Choose file type EXCEL
-Press LINK
-Press NEXT
-Name the table name as the table name I had in Access
-Press NEXT
However, when I went to Access trying to change my data
definition from FIELD PROPERTIES, I realized that I was
not able to set any of my fields as Indexed field. As a
result, I was not able to work out links in Crystal
Attempt # 2) which would be a much better solution if
work out.
I also tried to achieve such task by using Macro in Excel:
Sub ADOFromExcelToAccess()
' exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an
Access database
' this procedure must be edited before use
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As
' connect to the Access database
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:\FolderName\DataBaseName.mdb;"
' open a recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "TableName", cn, adOpenKeyset,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
' all records in a table
r = 3 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
' repeat until first empty cell in column A
With rs
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("FieldName1") = Range("A" & r).Value
.Fields("FieldName2") = Range("B" & r).Value
.Fields("FieldNameN") = Range("C" & r).Value
' add more fields if necessary...
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
r = r + 1 ' next row
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
Nevertheless with such Macro I could only transfer the
whole Excel database into Access in addition to of what I
already (i.e.: duplicate) have instead of updating/
replacing it.
Can anyone please give me a solution on either to
identify the INDEXED FIELD in Access while linked to
Excel or add a command in the Macro in order to avoid
duplication when the Macro is run?
who are not familiar with Access, to input data in Excel.
Meanwhile I will either establish a link or a macro to
transfer data to Access which, at the end will be picked
up by Crystal Report to produce a report. I have made two
unsuccessful attempts.
Attempt # 1)
I made a link between Access and Excel so that when
information changed in Excel will change in Access and
vice versa. Steps that I used was
-Choose Excel directory
-Choose file type EXCEL
-Press LINK
-Press NEXT
-Name the table name as the table name I had in Access
-Press NEXT
However, when I went to Access trying to change my data
definition from FIELD PROPERTIES, I realized that I was
not able to set any of my fields as Indexed field. As a
result, I was not able to work out links in Crystal
Attempt # 2) which would be a much better solution if
work out.
I also tried to achieve such task by using Macro in Excel:
Sub ADOFromExcelToAccess()
' exports data from the active worksheet to a table in an
Access database
' this procedure must be edited before use
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As
' connect to the Access database
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:\FolderName\DataBaseName.mdb;"
' open a recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "TableName", cn, adOpenKeyset,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
' all records in a table
r = 3 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
' repeat until first empty cell in column A
With rs
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("FieldName1") = Range("A" & r).Value
.Fields("FieldName2") = Range("B" & r).Value
.Fields("FieldNameN") = Range("C" & r).Value
' add more fields if necessary...
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
r = r + 1 ' next row
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
Nevertheless with such Macro I could only transfer the
whole Excel database into Access in addition to of what I
already (i.e.: duplicate) have instead of updating/
replacing it.
Can anyone please give me a solution on either to
identify the INDEXED FIELD in Access while linked to
Excel or add a command in the Macro in order to avoid
duplication when the Macro is run?