Data from form to subform



I have a main form that has a selectbox (Tool SN) and a
subform that if populated with a subform based upon the
label that the user selects.

I want to have the user select a Tool SN and when they
pick the subform it is linked to the data in that select
box cboToolSN.

Howerver, if they enter a Tool SN that is not in the
list then I want to add that Tool SN to the table and then
have that Tool SN be populated in the subform's Tool SN so
that a new record will be created.

tblGeneralInfo: GeneralInfoID, ToolSN, etc.
tblSystemInfo: SystemInfoID, ToolSN, etc.
tblGasInfo: GasInfoID, ToolSN, etc.
tblChamberInfo: ChamberInfoID, ToolSN, etc.
tblProcessInfo: ProcessInfoID, ToolSN, etc.

Code used to add new Tool SN to select box(not in list

Dim strSQL As String, X As Integer
X = MsgBox("Do you want to add this value to the list?",
If X = vbYes Then
strSQL = "Insert Into tblGeneralInfo ([ToolSN]) values
('" & NewData & "')"
'MsgBox strsql
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

Code used to open subform based upon label selection:

Private Sub lblGeneralInfo_Click()
Me![frmCenturaSubform].SourceObject = "frmGeneralInfo"
Me.[frmCenturaSubform].Visible = True
End Sub

Seems like I am have trouble getting these linked
together. They run fine independently.

Becky :)

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