Data From Multiple Sheets into one




I am working on a project that has about 33 sheets. The sheets are made up
of a check list for different products and versions. Only one product version
will be compiled at a time, but there can be multiple products.(so up to 5
sheets of data at one time)

The opening sheet has check boxes for the user to choose which products they
have. If a once they click a command button:

If OSCE = True Then
Worksheets("OSCE-information").Visible = True
Worksheets("information").Visible = x1veryhidden
ElseIf SMEX = True Then
Worksheets("SMEX-information").Visible = True
Worksheets("information").Visible = x1veryhidden
ElseIf SMD = True Then
Worksheets("SMEX-information").Visible = True
Worksheets("information").Visible = x1veryhidden
ElseIf IMSS = True Then
Worksheets("IMSS-information").Visible = True
Worksheets("information").Visible = x1veryhidden
ElseIf IWSS = True Then
Worksheets("IWSS-information").Visible = True
Worksheets("information").Visible = x1veryhidden

End If

The corresponding information page is shown where they can select the
version. The command button will open the interview with the checklist. In
the check list there are settings, recommendations, associated risk columns
and a column where the user can select yes or no for each item. After the
check list is complete for each product there is a command button where they
can proceed to the next product or finish:

If Worksheets("information").SMEX = True Then
Worksheets("SMEX-Information").Visible = True
Me.Visible = xlSheetHidden
ElseIf Worksheets("information").SMD = True Then
Worksheets("SMD-Information").Visible = True
Me.Visible = xlSheetHidden
ElseIf Worksheets("information").IMSS = True Then
Worksheets("IMSS-Information").Visible = True
Me.Visible = xlSheetHidden
ElseIf Worksheets("information").IWSS = True Then
Worksheets("IWSS-Information").Visible = True
Me.Visible = xlSheetHidden
Worksheets("Summary and Action Items").Visible = True
Me.Visible = x1HeetHidden
End If

The sheet called Summary and Action Items is where i am having problems...

It should contain:

1. a score from each Product (the score is already computed on each product
2. Reccommendations by Product (this information would be captured for the
items that the user chose "no" for during the interview)
3. Risk factors.

How can i dynamically capture the information based on which products they
ran the checklist on? also can it have headings like this:

Product 1-

blah blah blah

Risk Factors

Blah blah blah

Product 2-

blah blah blah

Risk Factors

Blah blah blah


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