Data in A1:A5 to A6:F6?



Is there a quick way to fill a row, say A6:J6 with data
from a column, say A1:A10?
I have a worksheet with eventdata in columns, event-1 in
cells A1:A35, event-2 in B1:B35 ans so on. Data will
eventually be exported to an .skv file. That file in turn
will be imported inte a .dbf file used by a dbase/clipper-


The easiest way I can see to do this would be to copy the
data then click on cell A6 and select paste special and
chose the transpose box

Gord Dibben

Copy>Paste Special>Transpose.

Note: you cannot overwrite cells so the A1:A10 to A6:J6 would not be possible.

A1:A5 to A6:E6 would be possible.

Gord Dibben XL2002

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