Data in table (Memo field) not getting into Queries


H Mark

I am trying to import data (machine checklists) from a table to a query and
then to a report. The field in the table is very long with a lot of spaces
and underlines but not too many characters(several pages in some cases but
not full width). When the data converts over into the query it is dropping a
large section of the data. It does not appear to happen at spaces or
underlines and every field has a different amount of data coming across.
The data in the table is in a Memo field, more data than a Text field can

John Spencer

Memo fields will be truncated (to 255 characters) if
-- You try to sort by the field (Actually, I think this one might generate
an error)
-- You are using Group By on the field (or most of the other aggregate
-- You use DISTINCT in the SQL clause
-- You use format property to apply a format
-- You use a UNION query. (not UNION ALL)

If this doesn't help solve your problem, I suggest you post the SQL of your

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