data in the chart is wrong



I am creating a chart - Actual vs Budget, a simple chart, however when I do
teh chart the % is wrong inthe data seris but not for all just the last 3 of
them. The information in the table is correct but not representing it in the
chart correct. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Jon Peltier

What kind of chart is it? If it's a line chart, did you accidentally select
the stacked line type?

- Jon


The information i wan tto put in to a chart is;

Contractor Actual Budget
Badger $22,661.10 $143,437.56
Big Eagle $18,325.76 $286,875.00
Ceda $574,256.15 $1,577,812.56
Eveready $173,563.39 $860,625.00
Flint $1,293,965.31 $1,333,333.33
LaPairie $36,350.00 $16,666.66
Northern $113,400.00 $208,333.33

However I want the chart on the y axis to say the percent of the budget that
the actual is. When I do this weither it be a stacked line chart or a stacked
cloumn chart, the percentages are always wrong. I am wondering why the
percentages are wrong. Is there anything I can do to fix this. Please if you
can email me at (e-mail address removed)
I can send you what I am getting if that will help. I really need your help
this is for a report I have due friday!

Thank you!

Jon Peltier

Do you want to plot the values, or the percentages? You don't want a stacked
chart, because you'll get Actual for one series and Actual+Budget for the
other. You could calculate the percentage in the next column, using a
formula like =B2/C2 in cell D2(assuming your data is in A1:C8) and filling
it down through D8.

- Jon

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