Have a word file in properties has no ext. called temp it was created by
merge from excel. I created a template "I think" that I want to insert this
data into. When I try to merge the insert merge field has all fields
together. This is a first for me into this area. The template I tried to
layout the way I want print out to be. Do I need to change the temp file
someway. It does ask for delimiter selection when trying merge. I need to
eliminate this selection if possible. Anyone willing I am stuck.
merge from excel. I created a template "I think" that I want to insert this
data into. When I try to merge the insert merge field has all fields
together. This is a first for me into this area. The template I tried to
layout the way I want print out to be. Do I need to change the temp file
someway. It does ask for delimiter selection when trying merge. I need to
eliminate this selection if possible. Anyone willing I am stuck.