I've created a very useful PivotChart. It sums up the areas occupied by business units for each floor in a building. The Chart Type is Stacked Bar. The Page Field is the Building. The Category axis is the Floor. The Pivot sums the square feet occupied by each business unit. What I want to finish this off with is to label each piece of the stack with the name of the business unit. Unfortunately the built-in data labelling options are limited to "value" - namely the area, or "label" - which shows the floor number
How do I get the business unit name (shown in the legend) onto the graph? I'm intrigued by Debra Dalgleish’s tool for labelling the last point in a series. When I run it against my chart, inserts the legend labels all right, but the top floor of the building is always the end of the series, and it labels zero values, so I get a chart with all the business unit names on the top floor - and all ones with no space printed over one another! Perhaps I'm looking to alter Debra's tool to label each non-zero data element the legend labels...
How do I get the business unit name (shown in the legend) onto the graph? I'm intrigued by Debra Dalgleish’s tool for labelling the last point in a series. When I run it against my chart, inserts the legend labels all right, but the top floor of the building is always the end of the series, and it labels zero values, so I get a chart with all the business unit names on the top floor - and all ones with no space printed over one another! Perhaps I'm looking to alter Debra's tool to label each non-zero data element the legend labels...